
In English: The Great Visiiri Representative Election Survey

...When it comes to TREY finances, we could examine events and their costs, for example. Are all TREY events necessary? Many TREY events are expensive to organise in the first...

Visiiri followed President Keijo Hämäläinen for a day

...terms of employment are such that you yourself drive at your own expense to another campus and you yourself pay the monthly fee of the parking space with your own...

In English: The road to university isn’t always linear – Three students tell us their story

...rehabilitation, Laaja studied for two years at the Eira High School for Adults. Every passed course gave motivated him further. A Neuropsychologist forbade studying, for example, advanced math and physics,...

Attention, please – we listed tips that could benefit all students 

...also helps. You can change your shoes into wool socks if you sit around in the study space for long periods of time.”  Getting the first push for writing from...

An internship may require thousands of euros in savings or considerable financial support from parents – “Not all internships are accessible to everyone” 

...for example, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. That is why it is important for Ingman to gain international experience already during her studies.  For example, Ingman’s knowledge of the...

“I won’t hammer you on the head with the bible” – Visiiri took the retiring campus pastor out for a beer

...Union TREY. According to the justification for the honorary membership, “Risto has been a supporting pillar in TREY’s everyday life for years, by offering work guidance for the Student Unions...