Kerhopostia: Greetings from TaSciEn!

Tascien is short for Tampere Science and Engineering Students’ associati[1]on ry and we’re a club and aspiring guild for all like-minded students of science and engineering at Tampere University.
What we strive to do is defend the interests of students on any level, support their studies and provide a wide variety of free time opportunities. In order to do this, we provide information and effective means of communication with student representation of our degree program and organize a range of different activities and events. We are also in collaboration with the Hiukkanen and TiTe guild and the ESN INTO club to help integrate the international students with the Finnish students.
In our most recent event on Valentine’s day, we held a speed dating event along with other fun activities and games. Along with that we hold a Happy Hour event every two weeks on the Tascien Discord, where you can hangout and have fun and hear about all the club updates.
With the dream of becoming the guild for the International Programme in Science and Engineering, the majority of our Club’s growth is directly proportional to the size of the programme, and under the current situation we are actively looking for new members and seeking to expand our club’s community.
If any of the previously mentioned things interest you, feel free to join TaSciEn!
Max Hollmen
PR and Media Helper / TaSciEn